Gardening Planting Calendar Annual Planting Calendar Yearly Planner Gardening Planting Calendar Annual Planting Calendar Yearly Planner Excel Templates
Planting Schedule Template - Excel
Free planting schedule template for you to use. It can be edited, customized, printed, or downloaded in Excel format.
The kind of plants you want to grow in your garden will totally depend on your zone, location, and climate. If you want to lay out the crops you can and want to grow at home, make use of this gardening schedule template predesigned for you.
This planting calendar template allows you to leave a mark on month(s) where growing certain plants or veggies are most favorable in your area.
This plant care schedule template is customizable, printable, and downloadable in PDF, Word, and Excel format.
How to Use the Planting Schedule Template
List out the plants you are interested in planting in your garden. Enter the plant name in the left column labeled. You may enter vegetables, flowers, or whatever type of plant you like to add in your garden.
Mark those months when a plant listed is most favorable to grow according to factors like climate, availability of resources needed in gardening, and others. For example, if Plant A is best planted in the months of June, July and September, you can put checkmarks on those months for that plant.
If you need to add notes or reminders in your planting schedule, this template made it easy for you to do so. We have added a Notes section at the very bottom for any miscellaneous things you may need to remind yourself of in the future. This section can serve as your to-do lists, event notes, or planting schedule reminders.